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Over $250,000 has been awarded to students of Italian heritage over the years by the JCCIA through various scholarships. Also, over $200,000 has been awarded over the years to young Italian Americans through Women’s Division at their annual Scholarship/Fashion Show.


In addition, close to $50,000 has been awarded at the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Humanitarian of the Year Award reception. Needless to say, this important program will continue for years to come.



John Fischetti Scholarship

Deadline - May 1, 2025

Women's Division Scholarship

Deadline - April 5, 2025

Nick and Helena Patti Foundation

Deadline - November 1, 2025

Frank J. Vigilante Scholarship

Deadline - November 1, 2025

Jo Ann Serpico Scholarship

Deadline - September 15, 2025

Joseph U. Bottalla Memorial Scholarship

Deadline - November 1, 2025

Marie Palello Scholarship

Deadline - September 15, 2025

Scholarships in the Italian-American Community 

Each year, Italian-American organizations award tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships to worthy high school and college students. The following is a list of this year’s scholarship offerings and how to apply for them. Most scholarships have attendance and other requirements, so gather your applications early and study them carefully before applying! (Nota Bene: The sponsoring organizations are not responsible for any errors in this listing.)


American Italian Cultural Society — Two scholarships given to high school seniors based on a point system that takes into account grade point average, work or extracurricular activities, membership or relationship to a member, volunteer activity with the society, and Italian ancestry. A personal essay regarding career goals is required.

Deadline: Postmarked by March 31.

Presentation: The Columbus Day Banquet on Oct. 6. Attendance by recipients is highly encouraged.



Amici Naperville Area Italian American Club — One $2,000 merit-based scholarship awarded to a qualifying high school senior of Italian descent who either attends a Naperville-area school or is related to an Amici member.

Deadline: April 15.

Presentation: General meeting in May. Recipient must be present.

Visit or contact Armando Serafini at 630-745-1085 or


Chicagoland Italian American Charitable Organization — Several $2,500 scholarships awarded to high school seniors based on academic achievement and need.

Deadline: May 1.

Contact Frank Giudice at 630-941-4700, Jerry Saviano at 630-628-6867 ext. 222 or Fred Lonigro at 630-728-2311.


CI-AMA (Cegliesi Italo-American Association) — Several $2,000 scholarships awarded to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate/graduate students of Italian descent who meet academic and character requirements. Deadline: Aug. 16.

Presentation: Oct. 20.



Columbian Club Charitable Foundation — Multiple scholarships ranging from $2,500-$5,000 awarded to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate/graduate students of Italian descent who are permanent residents of the state of Illinois. Scholarships are available for accounting, art history, business, dentistry, engineering, finance, Italian studies, law, medicine, music education and other professional endeavors.

Deadline: Oct. 31.

Presentation: January 2025.



The IANU St. Anthony Lodge — One $3,000 Anthony and Lena Paterno Memorial Scholarship awarded to an undergraduate student of Italian descent living in the Chicago area, based on exceptional scholastic achievements. Applicant must provide a brief autobiography explaining their involvement and interest in their cultural and family background and their plans for the future.

Deadline: July 1.

Presentation: The recipient will be honored at a general dinner meeting in late summer 2024.

Contact Ralph Cantal at 708-452-6438 or


Italian American Executives of Transportation — Multiple scholarships starting at $1,000 awarded to high school graduates in year of application based on Illinois residency, academic achievement, community involvement and need. Italian ancestry is not necessary but a plus.

Deadline: Aug. 31. Recipients must attend the IAET awards banquet on Nov. 16.

Visit or contact Bill Lowendick at 513-910-8894 or


Italian Catholic Federation — Approximately 150 $400 scholarships awarded to high school students who are of Italian heritage and Catholic faith, or are children of non-Italian ICF members. Applications are evaluated based on scholastic achievement, financial need, leadership roles, extracurricular activities and charitable efforts. Grants may be renewed for second, third and fourth terms for $500, $600 and $1,000, respectively.

Deadline: April 1.



Italian Cultural Center — Several scholarships of between $1,000 and $1,500 awarded to nonprofessional vocal students between the ages of 17 and 27 who are studying with qualified teachers or institutions.

Deadline: Oct. 12.

Competition and awards dinner: Nov. 10.

Contact 708-345-5933 or


Justinian Society of Lawyers Endowment Fund — Multiple scholarships awarded to law school students based on academic ability and need.

Deadline: Mid-October.

Presentation: November.

Visit or contact Catherine Locallo at 312-332-7760 or


Justinian Society of Lawyers DuPage Chapter — One scholarship awarded to a student of Italian ancestry in their second or third year of law school.

Deadline: Beginning of May.

Presentation: To be determined. Recipients must attend the presentation.



National Italian American Foundation — More than 200 scholarships ranging between $2,500 and $12,000 based on various criteria and awarded to undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, medical and legal students. Applicants must be NIAF members, have Italian ancestry and be either U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. Recipients are selected based on academic merit.

Deadline: March 1.



The National Italian American Foundation and the National Christopher Columbus Association — Christopher Columbus Essay Contest for high school students of all backgrounds. The first-place winner will receive $1,200 and an all-expenses-paid trip to read his or her essay at the 2024 Columbus Day event in Washington, D.C.

Deadline: March 15.



Christine Frances Rocco Memorial Endowed Scholarship — One scholarship awarded to an Italian-American woman age 28 or older beginning or returning to college to study English, business or education at Benedictine University in Lisle. 

Contact 630-829-1805 or


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America — One or more scholarships offered to high school seniors based on academic achievement, community service and extracurricular activities.

Deadline: April 30.

Presentation: June 4. Attendance by recipients is highly encouraged.

Contact Lyn Scolaro at or visit


Sons of Italy Foundation, Grand Lodge of Illinois and Wisconsin — Several $1,000 scholarships awarded to students of full or partial Italian ancestry graduating from high school. Award is based on financial need, scholastic record, and activities showing character and leadership. An essay and faculty recommendations are required. 

Deadline: July 1. 

Presentation: October. Only written requests will be honored



Sons of Italy Foundation, Supreme Lodge — Multiple merit-based scholarships of up to $25,000 awarded to students of at least one-quarter Italian ancestry enrolled in a four-year undergraduate program or graduate program at an accredited four-year institution of higher education.

Deadline: Feb. 29.

Presentation: May.



UNICO National — Candidates may be either seniors in high school, current undergraduates, graduate students including but not limited to law school or medical school students. 

Deadline: April 15.

Presentation: September.

Contact Scholarship Chairman Stan Kuczynski at




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Stone Park, IL 60165

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